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NZ Historic Places Trust Register

NZHPT is required to maintain a register of historic places. Currently they charge $300/year which is prohibitive for mashups or casual access. The intention of the original legislation is that the register is a public record, not a revenue stream. "The Register shall be open for public inspection during usual business hours at the principal office of the Trust in Wellington and at regional offices of the Trust." However, in 2011, such data should be 100% online under a permissive copyright license. Unfortunately, the data the NZHPT is currently published under a restrictive copyright license allowing only for personal use.

Enable fascinating cultural and historical mashups, tours, facilitate awareness of built heritage, streamline RMA processes.

Allowing prospective tenants and developers easy access to historical places data. Enable developers, especially of mobile apps, to create fascinating and useful tours and increase awareness of heritage buildings.

Response from
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

Request received

NZHPT provides full and free access to Register information, as required by legislation, in hard copy form at all NZHPT and local authority offices. If members of the public require their own copies of the Register, there is a standard annual charge of $300 + GST. This charge covers the cost of copying the Register, and creating and providing regular updates throughout the year. This information is provided for references purposes only.

NZHPT provides access to information on all registered historic places and areas via the Register Online: Information in the Register is updated and amended after each meeting of the NZHPT Board. NZHPT is currently exploring options for providing all Register information via the Register Online,

Registration information is provided for reference purposes only. NZHPT retains copyright of the Register and any reproduction of the Register must be discussed with and authorised by NZHPT. 


  • jagdish patel CMEngNZ Ret.

    I am trying to find historic places in Auckland. The previous register was easy to use, but this one is impossible. I would be grateful to receive information on how to access what I am searching for.

  • jagdish patel

    Can you please let me know where to look to ascertain whether a particular building is listed as a "Heritage Building"? thank you.

  • Val McSkimming

    Can you advise our committee about the Blackstone Hill School
    Highway 85
    This building is in very good repair and we want to know of its historical status
    The building is 100 years old this year

  • Kevin O’Brien

    would like to know if the Bluestone Pump-house building previously used in the operation of the demolished graving dock and located within the Port Chalmers Container Terminal is a listed Heritage building? There are plans afoot to relocate this building which I believe will detract from its historic heritage in Port Chalmers

  • Juliane Spaak

    Hi there I am after the entry of (No 4593) Imperial Hotel (Former). Are there any drawings from m1860? Thanks very much. Regards J Spaak

  • Noel Brian Dockery

    I would just like to enquire if my building is eligible for a grant to be painted as an historic building.
    I am a pensioner who painted my old post office building here in Ohingaiti from head to toe about 30 years ago .
    Alas it is looking in need of it again.
    It is a fine example of NZ heritage and as a single childless adult I find no need to spend what little money I have to remedy it.

  • Alison Dashwood (was Hamilton)

    Strange request I know. I had 4 children in Dee Street Hospital Invercargill between 1970-1978. Dee Street had the best porridge I have EVER eaten. I am 72 now living in Australia. I have tried every porridge since 1980 but have never found the same tasting Dee Street one. Any suggestions who might know such detail? I know the obstetric unit was moved to Kew hospital. Thank you in anticipation

  • Lance Kidd

    Kia Ora,
    Just inquiring about St Stephens school in Bombay. This school and it’s buildings have a lot of history - shouldn’t the main wharenui be listed and restored as an historic NZ building?

  • Bill edwards (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)

    Tena koe Ms Simeon

    Thank you for your enquiry. I have searched the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero (‘the List’) using the information you have provided on the Whangape Native School. There does not appear to be an entry on the List, proposal or notified proposal matching the information that you have provided.

    Some heritage places are not entered on the List but may be recognised through other means such as district plan scheduling. To find out whether the property you are interested in is scheduled as heritage in the District Plan, please contact The Far North District Council.
    If it is proposed to carry out any work on a property where human activity dates from before 1900, an archaeological authority may be needed from Heritage New Zealand, even if it is not entered on the List. If this applies, you can find out more at – please see:
    If you would like to discuss the results of this search, or would like more information please contact Bill Edwards
    Nga mihi

    Bill Edwards Area Manager, Northland

  • iris Simeon (Requester)

    I am trying to find out if our old school is registered as a historical building Whangape native school in the far north

  • Louise Armstrong

    I have quite a bit of info to add to your listing register number 1915, Stone House, Woolston, Christchurch. My forebears lived there for some years and two members of the family were born in the house in 1881 and 1887. Your site is difficult to follow and I can find no email address for direct contact.

  • Blyss Wagstaff (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga) (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)

    Kia ora Mark,
    Thank you for your enquiry about an old merry go round situated on the Picton Foreshore. Heritage protection is commonly achieved by local authorities scheduling heritage in their district plans, so you could contact Marlborough District Council about this. There's more information about heritage protection on our website at
    The New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero is an identification and information tool. You can find out more about how to nominate a place for the NZ Heritage List at the link below, and you're welcome to get in touch with the Heritage New Zealand Central Region office to discuss this further.
    Ngā mihi, Blyss Wagstaff

  • Mark Watson

    Hi we own an old merry go round situated on the Picton Foreshore . We believe it could be the only one left of its type still operating in NZ it is thought to be over 50 years old we wonder if this could be eligible to be preserved as historic structure if there is any such thing. Regards Mark

  • Ivan Brenssell

    I wish to know if it is possible to save the old clay ruins of the original home stead on Rocklands Station otago and The Dip Hut and Dip itself situated near the Dunstan Trail, i appreciate your help.

  • Maryann Adlam

    Would you know anything about whether the old gum digger huts on Gumfield road Ahipara, is under a Dalmatian or Yugoslav syndicate? Or who do we contact regarding them?

  • Sarah Gallagher (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)

    Kia ora Phil,
    Thanks for your enquiry about the old Otago Harbour Board building (also known as the Waterfront Industry Commission building and Watersiders Bureau). Please find below a webpage that describes how to go about nominating a place for inclusion on the Heritage List. Any member of the public can nominate a place to be included.
    Guidelines and application form can be downloaded or you can put forward an application online.

    Ngā mihi
    Sarah Gallagher, Heritage Assessment Advisor for Otago/Southland

  • phil adams

    we wish to know if the old harbour board building in beach street port Chalmers across road from fire station can be accredited as a historic place before port company pull it down

  • Peter (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)

    I wish to save a local Presbyterian Church in Dunedin. How do I go about it through the HPT??

  • Matt Lane

    It appears you can now download the full Heritage NZ directory as a spreadsheet from the Heritage website by clicking on "Export the full List" from the "The List" page.

    Let me know if this doesn't completely solve your problem.

  • Joanna Barnes-Wylie (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)

    Hi Deirdre

    Thank you for your feedback. Your email enquiry to Heritage New Zealand about this matter is being dealt with, and you should receive a response in the next 1-2 days.

    Best wishes
    Joanna Barnes-Wylie, Registrar, Heritage New Zealand

  • Deirdre Roelants

    I hate it. I am trying to find historic places in Auckland. The previous register was easy to use, but this one is impossible. I would be grateful to receive information on how to access what I am searching for.
