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Property tax delinquencies

Hi, I would like to see a list of all properties that have outstanding tax against them. The property addresss and - if possible - the owner's name too. Thanks, Tielman

Quite often, people with outstanding taxes have a need for assistance in helping them think about options to resolve the issue(s).

We provide services for property owners who are in trouble with their property. Our services help them structure a solution and plan to resolve the associated issues.


  • Inland Revenue Department

    Tax liabilities generated through property income are assessed against the entity that owns the property, not the property itself. The names and addresses of these entities are considered “sensitive revenue information” under section 18 of the Tax Administration Act 1994 (TAA) because it is information reasonably capable of being used to identify an entity. Sensitive revenue information is confidential and can only be released in limited circumstances, as set out in section 18D to 18J and schedule 7 of the TAA. Please note that we do not think disclosure of this information falls within any of the exceptions to the confidentiality obligation listed in sections 18D to 18J of the TAA. We would therefore not be able to release the information you asked for. If you have further data or information requests in relation to this (for example, statistical information), please feel free to lodge an Official Information Act request through


  • Gurinder

    Hi, I would like to see a list of all properties that have outstanding tax against them. The property addresss and - if possible - the owner's name too. Thanks,
