Flood forecast dataset for some regional guage station (preferably three guage stations in a cluster) to use as benchmark dataset for training ANN in my PhD research work. I would like rainfall, temperature, streamflow, evapotranspiration and any other parameter that can influence flooding.
flood harzard either in an area in Nigeria or Malaysia
designing of a model for flood forecating
Thank you for your request for data. We can provide New Zealand river flow and meteorological data for river catchments of your choice (e.g., the Grey River catchment would suit your flood forecasting purposes). You can request the flow data from Kathy Walter (kathy.walter@niwa.co.nz). Kathy can also help with the meteorological data, or you can use cliflo.niwa.co.nz (terms and conditions of use can be found on that web page). Thanks. Charles Pearson, NIWA charles.pearson@niwa.co.nz
3 Votes
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
( 9 data requests )Agency responded