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Requesting data of patients who are suffering from chronic kidney disease(ckd) and not.

I'm doing a research to correctly identify people have a higher probability of getting affected by chronic kidney disease. In order to do that I need a data set of people who already have ckd and not. (nearly 1000 records) 1.Age(numerical) age in years 2.Blood Pressure(numerical) bp in mm/Hg 3.Specific Gravity(nominal) sg - (1.005,1.010,1.015,1.020,1.025) 4.Albumin(nominal) al - (0,1,2,3,4,5) 5.Sugar(nominal) su - (0,1,2,3,4,5) 6.Red Blood Cells(nominal) rbc - (normal,abnormal) 7.Pus Cell (nominal) pc - (normal,abnormal) 8.Pus Cell clumps(nominal) pcc - (present,notpresent) 9.Bacteria(nominal) ba - (present,notpresent) 10.Blood Glucose Random(numerical) bgr in mgs/dl 11.Blood Urea(numerical) bu in mgs/dl 12.Serum Creatinine(numerical) sc in mgs/dl 13.Sodium(numerical) sod in mEq/L 14.Potassium(numerical) pot in mEq/L 15.Hemoglobin(numerical) hemo in gms 16.Packed Cell Volume(numerical) 17.White Blood Cell Count(numerical) wc in cells/cumm 18.Red Blood Cell Count(numerical) rc in millions/cmm 19.Hypertension(nominal) htn - (yes,no) 20.Diabetes Mellitus(nominal) dm - (yes,no) 21.Coronary Artery Disease(nominal) cad - (yes,no) 22.Appetite(nominal) appet - (good,poor) 23.Pedal Edema(nominal) pe - (yes,no) 24.Anemia(nominal) ane - (yes,no) 25.Class (nominal) class - (ckd,notckd) Class is mainly used for classification. I have to classify people and correctly identify whether they have the disease or not.

The data is essential to model the problem so that I can do a better classification. This would also help the people to identify chronic kidney disease at an earlier level so that they get an opportunity to get early medical attention.

A larger data set of nearly 1000 records would give a better chance to model a better mechanism or propose a more accurate algorithm to detect ckd.

Response from
Ministry of Health

Data does not exist

Thank you for your request. The Ministry of Health does not hold that level of detail open or closed. We do hold hospitalisations attributed to chronic kidney disease (and associated clinical codes) but the level of detail you have requested is more likely part of a patient's clinical notes which the Ministry of Health does not receive. See here for published hospital data:

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