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Farms Online Geospatial Data

The Ministry of Primary Industry's 'Farms Online' Database is presently displayed in the public domain on a site by site locational basis. See here for an example of the publicly available: It would be helpful if this information could be made available in geospatial shapefile format.

At this very moment I am participating in a regulatory planning process about the management of activities and growth in the rural parts of Auckland. There is debate presently taking place about the degree of land use conflicts that presently exist around intensive farming activities, including horticulture, factory farming, intensive farming, and rural activities such as poultry production and processing.

Some industry groups (such as the Poultry Industry Association of NZ) have been actively encouraging their members to register on this site because it will help protect their interests. See

By enabling the re-use of this data for the purposes of comparing the spatial relationships of these properties with other public datasets that would enable data driven decision making to occur. The alternative presently being experienced is a large amount of regulatory intervention (and increased compliance costs) due to speculation as to the degree of severity of potential land use conflicts.

Response from
Ministry for Primary Industries

Request received

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