locations of streets or buildings where free, timelimited and paid council parking is available within the CBD of the above city. Excel spreadsheet format would be suitable.
best use of free parking resources within each of the CBD
allowing ratepayers to see where council parking is available before paying for privately owned parking
Data not available for release
Hi there
Information on where you can park is available on our website - see the following page: http://www.dunedin.govt.nz/services/parking/where-you-can-park. There are maps on this page which show type of parking, charges, parking buildings, time restrictions and so on. Council also offers some leased parking. If the person wants to lease a car park, see this page: http://www.dunedin.govt.nz/services/parking/lease-a-carpark. Sorry we don't have this information as a dataset. Dunedin City Council13 Votes
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