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Population/ number of people of each ethnicity residing in each NZ DHB/Te Whatu Ora area

Kia ora, Was hoping to request some data that displays Population/ number of people of each ethnicity residing in each NZ DHB/Te Whatu Ora area

Having an accurate and consistent count of the population split in Te Whatu Ora regions contributing to further information, particularly on incidence in Māori populations which is not well documented.

Response from
Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand

Investigating options

Kia ora, Thank you for your email on 11 March 2025, asking Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora for the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act): Was hoping to request some data that displays Population/ number of people of each ethnicity residing in each NZ DHB/Te Whatu Ora area ________________________________________ Information relating to your request is more closely connected with the functions and responsibilities of Stats NZ, however as the information requested is publicly available, a transfer of your request under section 14 of the Act is not necessary. Population data with a breakdown for ethnicity for each Health Area, based on census data, is publicly available on the Stats NZ Aotearoa Data explorer website through this table - Aotearoa Data Explorer • Ethnicity (detailed total responses level 3), age, and gender for the census usually resident population count, (RC, TALB, SA2, Health), 2013, 2018, and 2023 Censuses. This table highlights the total populations in each area for 2013, 2018 and 2023. This page includes a list of filters on the left that allow you to select each Health Area and ethnic category, and you can export the data. Should you have any questions about how to access or interpret this data, or have questions about what other population data is available, you can contact the Stats NZ Information centre in the following ways:  • By phone – 0508 525 525   • By email –   • Online form. Stats NZ’s Information Centre can let you know what data Stats NZ can provide and show you how to find it. This service is free and often results in a same day response. Ngā mihi Michael Cleary (he/him) Principal Advisor | Kaitohutohu Aporei Government Services

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