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Cancer deaths by quarter, 2020–2024

Please provide quarterly data for these five years: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Each of the 20 reports to include two numbers: 1. Total number of death certificates where any form of cancer was the cause 2. Median age at death (If both the average age and median age can be provided, even better.)

Health NZ has not released cancer data for several years, and anecdotally it seems that oncology wards are bursting at the seams. This data will show clearly whether a rise in cases is a factor, or suggest that it could be a reduction in support.

Response from
Ministry of Health

Request received

Cancer data for these years is not yet available. The Cancer Registry (NZCR) team in Health New Zealand receives reports from all pathology laboratories of malignant tumours first diagnosed in New Zealand. Additional diagnoses of cancer come from hospitalisation, mortality and radiation oncology data. The NZCR team registers the cancers in accordance with international standards, assigning codes for the site, type and stage of the cancer and many other variables (e.g. date of diagnosis, extent of disease, specific biomarkers). After the close of a calendar year, there is a 12 to 18 month process to complete the registrations and data edits for that year. The data is then subjected to further analysis and review to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the data prior to publication. NZCR cancer registration data for the 2023 year will be available in December 2025.

1 Comment

  • Maryanne (Requester)

    The data requested is not available online for 2023 or 2024 from Health NZ's online Cancer data web tool. Please provide the figures. Thanks.
