I would be greatly appreciative if you could please provide a spreadsheet of the number of people (older than age of 15) at time of census per district health board (DHB) region, further subdivided into primary ethnicity listed. I would be greatly appreciative if you could provide this for the years of 2001, 2006, 2013, 2018 and 2023. Example: Northland DHB 2001 - XXXX total people > 15 years, XXX NZ European, XXX NZ Maaori, XX Pasific, XX Asian, XX other 2006 - XXX total people > 15 years, XXXX NZE, XXXXX Maaori etc. For each DHB area for the years of 2001, 2006, 2013, 2018 and 2023. This will assist me in a research project in which I am attempting to encapsulate the trends in incidence of a particular health condition across time and ethnicity.
Having an accurate and consistent denominator for calculating incidence of a health condition - contributing to further information, particularly on incidence in Maaori and Pasific populations which is not well documented.
Providing an accurate and consistent denominator for the calculation.
Request received
Kia ora, thank you for your request. We have prepared the dataset according to your specifications. Please contact us via the data-enquiries email provided to arrange delivery of the spreadsheet.
5 Votes
Agency responded