Public data related to deaths and injuries involving lifts or escalators in construction, maintenance, and general public statistics in New Zealand is not available or cannot be accessed online. The data will be used as part of my research reviewing the present lift safety laws in New Zealand, including standards, enforcement procedures, and maintenance requirements, for their effectiveness in ensuring safe lift operations compared with other countries like the USA and Europe. While in the USA and Europe, the statistical data is open to the public and can be accessed online.
Having any such data accessible would enable policymakers, regulatory authorities, safety consultants, lift safety inspectors, and maintenance professionals to get much more information about related death and injury in construction, maintenance and general public, and they can review the standard NZS 4332: 1997 Non-domestic passenger and goods lifts implementation and effectiveness in ensuring safe lift operations in New Zealand.
The data can be a starting point for the review and evaluation of lift and escalator safety standards in New Zealand to contribute to safer lift and escalator operations.
Request received
Kia ora, Stats NZ does not collect or publish injuries data specifically from lifts/escalators. I suggest contacting ACC on: Ngā mihi, Kathy Advisor – Customer Information Pūtahi Mōhiotanga Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
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