Hi there, Could I please have any data you have regarding occupational asthma and COPD numbers? If possible, please also include ages, ethnicities, genders and regions.
Understanding trends of occupational asthma and COPD in NZ can help inform our work as a charity community education service.
Dataset submitted
Hi there, Thanks for your email. Please see below for dataset that you've requested: https://catalogue.data.govt.nz/dataset/occupational-asthma-and-copd-data Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Reporting and Analytics, ACC
1 Vote
Agency responded
Analytics & Reporting, ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)
Hi Jody,
Thanks for getting in touch. I have reuploaded this dataset now and it looks to be working again.
Please let us know if you have any further issues and feel free to email us directly at analytics@acc.co.nz.
Analytics and Reporting, ACC
Jody Keown
Hi - I also am interested in this data to inform risk management but this link woudl allow the data to be sources, its states there is a problem in the back end. Is it possible to get it again?