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QMA shapefiles for SKI and LIN

For my work at NIWA, I need some QMAs’ shapefiles and managed to find most of them on “Ministry for Primary Industries - Organisations - - discover and use data”. However, I couldn’t find QMA shapefiles for gemfish (SKI) and ling (LIN). Although Ling QMAs - Dataset - - discover and use data shows ling QMA files, I got 404 error message when I tried to access the shapefiles.

missing QMAs in my work.

providing the QMAs for the mentioned species.

Response from
Ministry for Primary Industries

Dataset submitted

Kia ora, Thanks for your request and for letting us know the Ling QMA was not working. We have investigated the issue with the Ling QMA data and it should be working now. If it is still not working for you, please let us know. You can access the Ling and Gemfish QMA shapefiles through the links below: Ling: GemFish:

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