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Seawalls around New Zealand

What I'm after is the locations of seawalls around New Zealand. I am unsure if this data is even available. I would like to process the data in GIS, so a shape file would be great. A spread sheet of the data can also be used but is not as ideal.

I'm wanting this data as it would contribute to my university project. My project is based around coastal protection and seawalls.

The locations of seawalls on New Zealand coastlines are hard to find under any sources. Some locations and descriptions are available in articles but many seem to not be reported only any or apart of any data set.

Response from
Ministry for Primary Industries


Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, the Ministry for Primary Industries does not have any data on seawalls. We are not sure if there is a national seawall dataset, or who holds any data about seawalls. If someone were to have this data, it is likely to be LINZ or regional/local councils so you could try a request to them. There is also some data about seawalls included in Open Street Map, but please note that this is only in some areas and since it is crowd sourced the data may not be accurate.

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