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ACC Data for Dental Avulsions Injuries of permanent incisors for children and teenagers from 2019 -2024

This is a further request following your very helpful response to a previous request (IN RESPONSE to your data request for ACC Dental Injury Data for children and teenagers) received May 3rd 2024 -thank you. Could we please have the details of the avulsion of permanent incisors from 2019-2024. The age of the child/ teenager when injury occurred, gender, place of injury and associated costs. This information is required for a research project for a DClinDent.

This is a request for further information, required for DClinDent research project investigating dental avulsions of permanent incisors in children and teenagers and their experiences.
Some dental data is available from the government data set but not the specific details necessary for this research project.

Providing data will increase the depth and value of the research and support its findings.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you

Response from
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dataset submitted

Kia ora, This dataset has now been uploaded here: For any questions, please feel free to email us at Ngā mihi, Analytics and Reporting, ACC

1 Comment

  • Retha Blignaut

