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URLs for Official NZ Government Websites

I would like a dataset with all the official government websites. Ideally it would contain the name of the organization, a URL, a brief description of the organization, and maybe a classification of federal vs local.

Helping people validate whether the website they are visiting is really an official government website or not. It can also serve as a directory for the government.


  • Info Team StatsNZ

    Kia ora Buddhika,

    Thank you for contacting StatsNZ.

    This information you are after is not available for those years, however, I suggest you have a browse through our yearbook collections as there may be something similar :)

    Ngā mihi,

    Information Centre

  • Buddhika Daluwatte

    i would like to get data sets on the following

    living cost of households from 1966 - 1981
    wages and incom 1966- 1981
    and housing/dwelling prices 1966- 1981
