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MLL1 Kura Kaupapa Māori

Please send me a list with all data/ details for Māori Language Level 1 (81-100% Te Reo Māori) in Aotearoa.

Gaining access to all info so to make a fully informed decision on what school to send my children to.

I cannot find enough information online or elsewhere go inform me on who/where the best Māori Language Schools are.

Response from
Ministry of Education

Dataset submitted

Kia ora, a list of all schools teaching in te reo Māori is publicly available on our website, Ed Counts, at: By selecting "Māori Schools Directory" in the right-hand pane under "Downloads," you can download an Excel file of the directory. The directory includes the number of students at various Māori Language Immersion levels (including level 1), as well as high-level information on the school itself, such as Kaupapa Māori Education Peak Body Affiliation, School Address, and Gender of Students. Once you've found a school or a list of schools you're interested in, you can search for individual schools on Ed Counts at:, to find more specific details, including Student Population, Student Engagement (Stand-downs, Suspensions, and Exclusions), and School Qualifications where applicable. Please note that in the directory, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori is abbreviated to TKKM. To search for a specific TKKM school, you will need to spell out the school name in full. If you require any further information, you can contact us at Ngā mihi nui.

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