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Paving a clearer path to government data

path through trees stephen leonardi

You need the right data, and we want help choosing the information you need to find the right data.

We need your feedback - when looking for relevant data, what extra information would help? is an all-of-government website with a catalogue that enables users to search and download thousands of freely usable datasets released by New Zealand government organisations.

The COVID-19 crisis has drawn attention to the critical role that reliable data plays in understanding the pandemic, among many other things. Data helps us understand how the coronavirus could be managed and what its impacts are on the wellbeing of New Zealanders and the state of our economy.

However, finding the right data can be a challenge. One way we can help is by improving the data catalogue and the draft government data register, developed by Stats NZ, may give us some ideas on how to do that. The draft register has information about datasets not currently included in the data catalogue on 

About the government data register

The draft register has information about datasets not currently included in the data catalogue on such as category, which framework the dataset is used in, the frequency of updates, data sources, and contextual information.

Draft government data register [108 KB, XLS]

Draft government data register [118 KB, CSV]

About the draft government data register [137 KB, PDF]

This initial draft data register is from a data asset stocktake currently underway, and consolidates existing datasets included in three government frameworks:


Stats NZ is leading the development of a data investment plan and the data stocktake and draft government data register are part of the development work. The plan will ensure government has the data it needs to assess the wellbeing of New Zealanders and the state of our economy and environment. The plan aims to improve the supply and management of our government data assets through more careful investment. It will:

  • set out a long-term view of the essential data we need and when we need it
  • inform government investment in maintaining and improving existing data
  • identify where government investment is needed to fill critical data gaps.

Tell us what you need

  • Should we add some of the register information to the catalogue? If yes, what is the most useful information?
  • Is the data register a useful way of viewing the breadth of datasets?
  • Do you have other suggestions for enhancing the data on

Email your feedback and suggestions to

(As the government data register is still a work in progress, we are not seeking feedback on its content.)


Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash



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