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Measuring NZ’s digital transformation

Digital Nation Plan

Around the world, governments and international bodies are struggling to keep up with the pace of new developments in the digital sector.

Here in New Zealand, our ability to understand and respond to the impacts of digital transformation will depend on the availability of timely, accurate, fit-for-purpose data.

To get the conversation started, Stats NZ and the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have produced the Digital Nation Domain Plan.

Digital Nation Domain Plan [PDF]
Stats NZ
Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment

Improving digital understanding

The plan will help to improve the way information on our digital industries is collected and co-ordinated across the data system. It’ll also enable better understanding of the way digital technologies are impacting the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of New Zealanders.

It looks at what should be measured, and how. It sets some strategic priorities for data relating to the digital domain and outlines four key areas for action:

  • digital inclusion
  • defining and valuing the digital sector
  • digital security
  • digital technologies and their impact.

Next steps

The plan is a great start, but there’s a lot more to do.

To identify how key data needs can be met, Stats NZ and MBIE will be looking for ways to partner with others and exploring alternative data sources.

Find out more

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