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Content strategy principles

Our content strategy principles set the expectations for any content on our site. We believe that if content can follow and meet each these principles every time, then it will be better placed to effectively achieve our vision.

On this page

The principles – an overview

To implement our strategy and achieve our vision, all content will:

  • have a clear purpose - meet a valid user need or business goal
  • conform with the site values, tone and voice, and style guide to ensure consistency, credibility, and accessibility
  • be peer reviewed prior to publishing to ensure accuracy and consistency
  • provide a way for users to engage with us
  • have named and engaged content owners
  • be actively managed to ensure it remains relevant and useful.

We explain each of these principles in more detail below.

Purposeful and needs driven

  • Define the user/audience and design explicitly for their needs. Ask: Who is going to read this? What do they need to know? How might they be feeling?
  • Clearly define the purpose of content, and write to suit that purpose and target audience.
  • Balance user needs and business goals.

Consistent, credible, and accessible

  • Follow the style guide and tone and voice guidelines.
  • Tell the truth, and be open and honest.
  • Help people find the information they need quickly and easily – guide them through the process.
  • Ensure everyone can access and use with ease – comply with the NZ Government Web Accessibility Standard 1.0 and Web Usability Standard 1.3.

The style guide
Web Accessibility Standard 1.1 (
Web Usability Standard 1.3 (

Peer reviewed

  • All content will be checked by at least one other person in the content team or a subject matter expert to ensure it’s well written, consistent, accurate, and appropriate.
  • All new content will be approved by the relevant manager before publication.
  • If the content involves any sensitive policy matters or major changes, it also needs approval from a senior manager (Stats NZ).

Open lines of engagement

  • We’re encouraging two-way conversations, so we’ll provide ways for users to give feedback and ask questions.
  • We’ll actively invite feedback. We’ll use inclusive, welcoming language and show that we value and respect peoples’ input.

Engaged content owners

  • All content must have an engaged content owner – the owner is responsible for ensuring the content continues to meet users' needs, is relevant, and is up-to-date.
  • Content owners may come from any government – or other – organisation.
  • We will actively engage with content owners and ensure they understand their responsibilities.

Actively manage and review

  • Monitor and regularly review content to check it still meets users’ and business needs, and respond to changing needs.
  • Remove outdated, irrelevant, or reputation-damaging content.

Contact us

If you’d like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback, email

Content last reviewed 20 August 2020.
